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Cost of Pollution: Persistent Organic Pollutants

Did you know that the cost of persistent organic pollutants to Canada is estimated to be in the billions, but we still don't know for sure?

By Robert Smith, Scott Vaughan on June 2, 2017

Did you know that the cost of persistent organic pollutants to Canada is estimated to be in the billions, but we still don't know for sure?

Pollution costs Canadians tens of billions of dollars every year in terms of impacts on their health and well-being, their pocketbooks and the value of their homes, buildings, roads and the natural environment. 

We have just released 'Costs of Pollution in Canada: Measuring the impacts on families, businesses and governments'. The report offers the most comprehensive portrait of pollution and its costs ever undertaken in Canada.

In this short video we explore the report's findings, and look closely at the effect of persistent organic pollutants on Canada's economy.