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farmer in rice field

Launch Event of Ceres2030: Uniting Science and Policy to End Hunger Sustainably

October 13, 2020 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm CEST

(Open to public)

Almost 80 researchers spanning 23 countries worked intensely for three years to identify the most promising solutions to building sustainable food systems and to tell donors how much it would cost to end hunger by 2030. Their efforts, which combined artificial intelligence, state-of-the-art modelling, and a strong partnership with Nature Research, will be released at the launch event for Ceres2030: Sustainable Solutions to End Hunger.

Ceres2030 is a joint project between Cornell University, the International Institute Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

This launch event will focus on how much public spending is needed in low- and middle-income countries, including donor contributions through official development assistance (ODA), to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2, zero hunger. Panellists will also explore a diverse mix of agricultural interventions in three broad areas—farm-level interventions to directly improve farm productivity, drivers in market systems that can facilitate storage and services that farmers need, and social interventions to empower rural populations.

This session is part of a series of  hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). For more information on this event please see this programme.

Interpretation in French will be available for this meeting. See the event webpage in French.

En français  (The English recording is below, please scroll down)


Dr. Eugenie Maiga - Lead author, Associate Professor, Norbert Zongo University

David Laborde - Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI & Co-Director Ceres2030

Jaron Porciello - Associate Director, Cornell University & Co-Director Ceres2030


Carin Smaller, Director, Agriculture, Trade & Investment, IISD & Co-Director Ceres2030


Event hashtag: #GoodFood4All

In English