This case study explores how Kenya's experiences aligning public and private standards in the flower industry can help transform sustainability efforts in agricultural value chains.
The use of voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) and similar systems in free trade agreements (FTAs) is gaining traction. Will it lead to more sustainable production and consumption globally?
Less than 3% of soybeans are produced in compliance with sustainability standards. This report unpacks what needs to change to make soybeans a food that protects rather than harms the natural environment.
This report explores recent market trends in the tea sector and explains why we need to get better at recognizing the social and environmental costs of tea production.
This report explores how voluntary sustainability standards are being used in trade policy to increase the trade of more sustainable products between developing countries.
This report explores recent market trends in the sugar cane sector, what these trends mean for producers in developing countries, and what can be done to improve farmers' incomes.
This report unpacks market trends in the palm oil sector and examines the role of sustainability standards in ensuring farmers receive fair incomes and adopt sustainable practices.
This report explores market trends in the banana industry and how standards and other supply chain actors can build producers' resilience to sustainability challenges.
Exploring production and consumption trends in the cotton sector and how voluntary sustainability standards can improve social and environmental results.
This report presents the production and consumption trends of the cocoa sector and how voluntary sustainability standards can improve the commodity's market resilience.